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kingdom chips®
the real taste

The idea of Kingdom Chips was born
to tell and share
the real story
of quality chips you can eat in Belgium
in the fritkot, almost present everywhere.

The story tell that French fries were born in Namur during an especially cold the mid-seventeenth century.
Inhabitants used to fish in the river Meuse a fish like small stick they consumed fried. When a frozen river not allowed to fish, they invented the cut sticks of potato in imitation of fried fish.

Too many bars, pubs, restaurants in the world serve the so-called Belgian fries but do not really know what they’re talking about, in most cases using chips cut identical, not properly fried and very often originally frozen!

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kingdom chips®
street food

You'll discover a great Belgian
specialty as an alternative
to others famous street foods.

The challenge was to recreate the traditional taste and quality of traditional Belgian fries along with an variety of sauces, both classical and original, mostly unknown to our competitors.

Kingdom Chips Bruxelles therefore makes justice to Belgium and ennobles the “street food” using only fresh potatoes just cutted, cooked crispy outside and soft inside, very light and served hot in a traditional paper cones.

Never before you can have the goodness and quality togheter in your hands!
Kingdom Chips Bruxelles: The true “Belgian Fries”

kingdom chips®
family food

For a quick snack,
for mom, dad and the kids,
the right portion for every need.

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kingdom chips®
sauce special

Classics, hot, spicy,
oriental, andaluse...
Suit all tastes

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kingdom chips®
food design

Each Kingdom Chips Bruxelles store is entrusted by a decorators and designers team with extensive experience in the field.

We will create a special setting, like the classic store on the street, in shopping mall food court or a shop with tables on wall with stools.

Our style is easily recognizable, we use natural colors and design elements typical of the brand Kingdom Chips Bruxelles to create a comfortable environment where you can taste the just purchased delicious food!

Click here to find more about Kingdom Chips Bruxelles Franchise. .

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food location

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    (+39) 328 7376278

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    (Available for iPhone and Android, just scan the QRCODE or click the related link.)

    Copyright 2017 Kingdom Chips Bruxelles® - All rights reserved. - Kingdom Service Srls VAT. IT06409470827